Top 5 Freelancing Platforms to earn money from in 2021

Freelance platforms are a market place for businesses and freelance workers from all over the world. They typically make money by taking a cut from both the employer and the freelancer. For the money they charge these platforms provide a hassle-free and convenient business experience to both parties.

Freelancing has both positives and negatives. You just have to decide if you’re willing to take the risk that almost always accompanies it. Freelancing means professional, freedom. But it also means instability and the risk of failure. And that may not be what you need in your professional life. But if you risk your stability for something more in tune with your professional goals than a traditional job. You have the opportunity to build your name and reputation and reach your professional goals.

Here are the top five freelancing platforms:

  1. Upwork:

Upwork is the largest freelancer marketplace in the world with over eighteen million registered freelancers and five million registered clients. It allows you to hire and work with freelancers and freelance agencies through the company’s platform. Upwork offers options for both hourly and fixed-price contracts. The platform offers a time tracker application that allows freelancers to track their actual time spent working on projects with verified screenshots. As a freelancer, you’re charged a sliding fee based on your lifetime billings with each non-Enterprise client. Here’s how much cut they take:

  • $0-$500: 20%
  • $500.01-$10,000: 10%
  • $10,000.01 or more: 5%

2. Fiverr:

Fiverr is the most common freelance website amongst new freelancers, it is more like a go-to platform for students who want to earn a few extra bucks on the side. But don’t let this confuse you, most people end up working full-time depending on their services and reviews. Starting with $5 gigs which is the most common price for any service, you can find tasks done at the cheapest rates. This also drives many professionals away from the platform who don’t value their work for low rates but as a new comer, it is a good place to start your freelancing career. By the way if you complete a $5 project, fiver will keep $1 and you will get $4 and if you complete a $10 project, Fiverr keeps $2 and you get $8.


This is not the most popular platform amongst freelancers but it works the same way as Upwork, with companies looking to find freelance workers for commissioned work. Unlike Fiverr, you do not compete for low prices instead set your own rates for short-term work. It has been growing in recent years with more freelancers coming in and it definitely work checking out. They do charge a nominal handling fee of 2.9% for each invoice you pay.


This is a marketplace where employers and employees are able to find each other. The site allows employers to post work for site members who place bids in a competitive process while also allowing the members to host and enter contests for which prize money is offered as a reward. Freelancer takes a 10% fee, which can be reduced with paid monthly membership, with a minimum fee of $5.


I know a lot of you might not know of this platform since it seems relatively new, but I think this is a good time to get on platforms with less competition to get more clients. It’s mostly design related work but there are other services you can offer as well. I used this myself a while ago but I couldn’t find any work, but that’s because I wasn’t putting in the work to complete my profile, but I’m sure this can be useful for many people trying to find clients easily.

So there you go, top 5 freelance websites to start making money as a side hustle or even a full-time career.